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Bricons company talks about BrickControl

BrickControl has revolutionized our way of working, allowing us to manage projects simultaneously and from anywhere. The constant system updates demonstrate their commitment to continuous improvement and ensure that we can quickly adapt to market demands.

Guido Raspagliesi – Bricons – https://www.bricons.com/

Bricons is an Argentine construction company with over 50 years of experience, specialized in architecture, road infrastructure, hydraulics, and urban waste management. Since its foundation, they have prioritized technology, constant training, and sustainability in each of their projects.

Before implementing BrickControl, at Bricons we needed a tool that would allow us to work with greater flexibility and optimize the simultaneous management of our projects from different locations.

Why we chose BrickControl

BrickControl provided us with exactly what we needed: a cloud solution that allows our users to work simultaneously from anywhere, giving us the flexibility we were looking for. Additionally, their commitment to continuous improvement and the implementation of regular updates ensure that we always have access to innovative and effective tools.