Analysis, management and financial control of construction works
BrickControl allows you to generate reports and analyze all your projects in real-time. Visualize and compare the differences between the estimate and the actual execution costs of your projects in real-time. Our platform will allow you to evaluate times and costs even before the project is completed. This way you will have financial control over your construction works in an efficient way.
In order to carry out an effective analysis of a construction project it is necessary to have all the information and documents in a single software. Manage multiple sources of data with BrickControl and analyze the construction process in an agile way.
Want to check out other features of BrickControl?
Access to other features: Preconstruction and planning Construction Work Execution, Purchasing and Logistics Analysis and Administration
Analyze and evaluate the progress of your construction projects in real-time
With Brickcontrol you will be able to visualize the progress of your construction projects in real time, comparing the information in regards to projections, deviations and outcomes. Identify the tasks and processes that are provoking additional costs or economic losses before the project ends. The construction industry needs more than ever that the decision making process is based on Business Intelligence with accurate data analysis.
Integral analysis of the construction process: prevention, adjustment, and optimization
Why is it so important to be able to analyze the construction project during its development?
The analysis and graphic information related to the progress of your project will allow you to identify deviations on time. Speed up the implementation of corrective measures during the execution of the project in order to prevent errors. Gather all the information and documents related to your projects such as budgets, progress reports, and construction progress certificates in order to optimize productivity.
Business Intelligence to do business in a more profitable way
Analyze data to have the economic control of the project and cash flow
Being able to visualize data in a simple and comprehensible way is crucial to perform efficient economic control of the project. Which construction progress certifications should you bill next? Which payments are delayed? BrickControl’s analysis module will allow you to quickly comprehend possible deviations and oversee the cash flow of the project.
Share project analysis reports with your team
Effective collaborative work and coordination with construction site personnel are crucial to any building project. Brickcontrol is a connection hub for workers, site managers, foremen, and managers to have relevant and up-to-date information and documentation. With our site analysis software, you can create and share reports. Also, our platform offers you complete and customized information access control for personnel involved in your projects. You will be able to manage analysis reports and share them with your office team members. Make the best out of meaningful insights and KPIs indicators when working on-site or presenting at board meetings.
Want to check out other features of BrickControl?
Access to other features: Preconstruction and planning Construction Work Execution, Purchasing and Logistics Analysis and Administration